Dr. Benedicte Fustec

Credentials: University of Notre Dame

Position title: Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: bfustec@nd.edu

Benedicte Fustec, PhD, is a post-doctoral researcher within the REDI-NET program. She has been working 6 years in Thailand, the STOP-VEC program and the DENGUE-INDEX project, on vector-borne diseases epidemiology, combining both entomological indicators and new serological approaches to better understand the entomological factors of arboviral disease transmission. She has also good expertise in basic & applied medical entomology investigations and vector control technologies and she has collaborated with Pasteur Institute in Lao PDR to better assess the mechanisms of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes of public health interest for both Thailand and Lao PDR. Passionate about nature, exploring new areas and knowledge sharing, she is experienced and particularly enthusiastic in working in the field within multicultural and multidisciplinary teams.