Dr. Majidah Hamid-Adiamoh
Credentials: Indiana University
Position title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Email: mhamidad@iu.edu

With the ongoing spread of resistance in malaria vectors, a paradigm shift to non-chemical-based insecticides becomes inevitable. I got fascinated by Prof. Molly Duman Scheel and her team, who are currently using siRNA-mediated gene silencing tool to develop novel insecticides for mosquito vectors. I joined this team in July 2022, following my 18-year research work at the Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia at the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (MRCG@LSHTM), on Anopheles gambiae, the notorious malaria vectors in my region. I have mainly worked on the vectors population genetics and insecticide resistance. My PhD also studied the impact of resistance on the behaviour of the vectors. Going forward, I see Molly’s work perfectly fits my research interest, to develop a long-lasting tool to combat resistance in An. gambiae, as well as eliminate them. I strongly believe that non-chemical-based tools will be a promising approach. I am currently undergoing training in her lab towards this direction. I am delighted to work with Molly in her mission to take interfering RNA-based insecticides to Africa. I am also hoping to come up with brilliant research questions within this remit.